Thursday, July 28, 2011

bola sepak

entry hari ni laen skit dr biase..
hari ni nk ckp psl BOLA..
terkejut ke? x kannn...
oke..actlly, sy x minat lgsg bola bola nehh..
sumpa x minat! 
pd sy..bosannnn gileerrrr...= ='
tp keranamu MALAYSIA..
sy join jgk tgk bola kt rumah...
fuh~ hebat hebat

sy x mcm sestgh awek awek kt luar sne..
ade yg minat bola kn..
psl bola sume taw..
x pon..ade jgk la minat footballer2 nehh..
CR lahh, messi lahh..itulahh..inilahh
tp sy takkk..
mintak maaf lahhh..
sy knl yg femes2 je..yg org slalu sebut..
spt yg tadi tuuu...hahaha..

oke back to our harimau malaya..
orang orang malaysia..kne bgga taw..
football player kite hebat2 belaka.. hehe
oke..mmg lahh x sehebat mat mat inggeris tuu kn..
tp oke lahh tu..dorg main oke ape..
walaupun sy x taw rules bola sepak ni sgt..
tp sy rse dorg maen ok jeeerr..

2 game dh sy tgk.. 
kt sngapore ngn kt malaysia..
oke ape..
wpon kalah bermaruah!
so congrats to harimau malaya..
especially to the captain lahhh..
safiq rahim.

player2 laen pon sme lahh...
safee sali, amirul hadi, muslim ahmad..
*cehhh..dh taw nme playerrr..haha*

muslim ahmad..
fevret player sy..hehe
hensem kn? heee~

amirul hadi the blond!
teror ouh die..

safee sali..
spe x knl kn?


khairul fahmi che mat aka apek..
golkeeper terhebat rantau asia..
*melampau sgt ke? x kann? hehe*

dan x lupe jgakk..
Datuk K. Rajagobal..
jurulatih terhensem asia tenggara..
*ok..itu melampau..hehe*
soryy..kidding datuk..hee~


kami menanti saat ini lagiiiii..
all the best harimau malaya :)

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